How to convert a speaker that uses speakon to just wires
How to convert a speaker that uses speakon to just wires

How to convert a speaker that uses speakon to just wires

Works on Behringer PK108/PK110/PK112/PK115

And Fun generation PL108/PL110/PL112/PL115

At the end of this quick and easy tutorial you will have these results

As you can see it works perfectly and I don’t need a speakon plug saved a couple €

Tools you will need :

Philips screwdriver

Speaker wires (not too thick)


Alligator clips (optional)

1st step

At the back of the speaker you will see on the left and right side screws unscrew them !!! DO NOT UNSCREW THE SCREWS IN THE MIDDLE ONLY THE SIDE !!!

After you have done that you can see a lot of wires that are connected to the woofers and the speakon input locate the speakon input wire and put your crocodile clips on it !!!MAKE SURE THAT THE CLIPS DONT TOUCH ANOTHER WIRE!!!

Put the wire off to the right or left and screw the back plate back on making sure you are not in a screw like a so :

Bye and Thanks a lot for having the time to read this article


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